C. H. Ellison

Rochester MN Post & Bulletin, 23 March 1938

C.H. Ellison, age 74, ex-official, dies -- Former grocer and Restaurant Proprietor Succumbs Here Today -- Charles H. Ellison, former city justice and patrolman, died in the Colonial hospital shortly before noon today.

He was 74 years old. Mr. Ellison, who succumbed to pneumonia, was active in Rochester's political life many years and was second ward justice of the peace at the time of his death, having been re-elected without opposition at the charter election March 8. Except for two years at Vinton, Iowa, Mr. Ellison spent his life in Rochester, and was born here in Oct. 1863.

A Staunch republican, he was active in politics many years, and also engaged in business, having been a grocer in his young days and having operated a restaurant on South Broadway between Center and First Street about 20 years ago. He was city justice, from 1916 to 1920, years in which that post ranked virtually on a par with the municipal judgeship, which was established later. In that capacity, he performed virtually the same function as the present municipal judge, except that justice court then had jurisdiction in civil actions up to $100 compared to $500 in municipal court.

Mr. Ellison was a city patrolman, in other years and frequently was stationed on the Mayo Clinic corner where he became a familiar figure. In more recent years he had served as a patrolman in Rochester parks and despite advancing years was active at Olmsted county republican headquarters in election years. He also served as sergeant-at-arms of the state senate during several sessions.

Surviving are his wife, the former Emma Kruger, three sons, Harry, Howard, and Leon, all of Los Angeles, and a brother, Edward, of Chicago. Funeral services have not been arranged.

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